Best ESG Reporting Award

Application form

Thank you for applying for the inaugural Best ESG reporting award presented by the CFA Society Sri Lanka at the Capital Market Awards 2024. This award aims to recognize transparency and excellence in sustainability reporting among listed corporates in Sri Lanka.

To apply for this award, please complete this application form and upload all relevant documents. Please make sure that only one application per company is submitted. All information provided in the application form should be based on publicly available information.

Note, the award will not be rewarded based on the best ESG performance. While ESG performance and commitment to sustainability measures are important, the award will be presented to companies with strong reporting practices and transparency about the company’s sustainability journey.

Dear Sir / Madam

Thank you for your interest in the Best ESG Reporting Award presented by the CFA Society Sri Lanka at the Capital Market Awards 2024. The deadline for submission of applications expired on the 29th of April 2024. We kindly request you to consider applying to next year’s competition. Thank you once again for your interest in the Best ESG Reporting Awards.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
CFA Society Sri Lanka

Juanita Wickramaratne

All applications must be received by 29th April 2024. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • This award is open ONLY to listed equities of the Colombo Stock Exchange and companies that are registered in Sri Lanka.
  • Please be assured that your responses will remain confidential and will not be shared with any third parties other than the judging panel.
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Screening Questions - Step 1 of 5
5. Which of the following best describes the industry of the organization you work for?
6. Currently, how many employees are working at your firm (full time employees across all departments)
7. Does your company have a presence /operate in overseas markets? Select all the geographies that company currently operates in?